Pursuing a Passion

If you know me, then it's no secret that I am a HUGE sports fan. If there is a sporting event happening, odds are I'm either watching it, attending it, or...something new, writing about it! I've always loved sports, and I've always loved talking about sports, tweeting about sports, etc. 

I'm a big twitter user. I mostly use twitter to talk about sports, follow my favorite athletes, and to catch the latest breaking news. It was on twitter that I discovered something cool. I found a website, www.thesportsquotient.com. This is a sports community run by college students. I thought this was so cool. I love sports, and I love talking about them, so I sent in a few samples and applied to be a writer. I was accepted, and I'm now an NBA columnist for the site. 

This is a cool way to interact with others, and use some of my free time to write occasional posts about something i'm very passionate about. So, check out my first article. There should be many more to follow! (Spoiler, it's about one of my favorite NBA players, Gordon Hayward!)

In fact, some people even say we look alike! What do you think?
